Source: Brunei News Daily

The Law Society of Brunei Darussalam will conduct its free legal advice clinic on January 27, from 11am-1pm at the ground floor of the Law & Subordinate Courts Building, Mile 1, Jalan Tutong.

The clinic, according to the organisation, is meant to provide clarification on civil and criminal issues and increase awareness on general legal matters among lower-income members of the public who would otherwise not be able to afford such legal services.

The legal advice will be provided on a ‘first-come-first-serve’ basis.

The public wishing to receive the service must satisfy the following requirements:

The person must not be represented by any legal firm; produce a copy of their current Brunei Identity Card; provide proof of his/her current residential address; provide proof that his/her income/allowance is less than B$750 per month.

The clinic will be facilitated by members of the Law Society. The organisation was established by the Legal Profession (Law Society of Brunei Darussalam) Order 2003 and has members comprising advocates and solicitors in private legal practice in Brunei Darussalam.
